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Large infrastructure projects come with their share of unique challenges, from risk management and stakeholder opposition to communication and finances. In addition to these challenges is the project management component, which includes maintaining control over costs, timelines, project scope, and more.

Infrastructure project management software can help your firm’s project managers stay organized and efficient with the right tools to enable smoother projects. Here, we cover what this software does, the benefits it provides for large infrastructure projects, and what features you should consider when choosing a software to ensure it will meet your needs.

What Is Infrastructure Project Management Software?

Infrastructure project management software is a tool used to manage all aspects of mega infrastructure projects. This software is often cloud-based, which makes it accessible from both the office and field.

From project planning to completion, this software guides and enhances many aspects of the project management process by:

  • Tracking activities throughout the entire project lifecycle, which creates a paper trail for audits
  • Storing important construction documents such as contracts, permits, and blueprints
    Monitoring performance to make data-driven decisions
  • Helping with resource management by staying on top of project progress and scheduling
  • Enabling easier communication and collaboration across internal teams, contractors, clients, and other stakeholders
  • Ensuring technological soundness for technology infrastructure projects by confirming that all systems are working as designed
  • Compiling data in one place for easy access and oversight on the project

Benefits of Infrastructure Project Management Software for Large Projects

Using construction management software is critical to efficiently run large infrastructure projects. With so many moving parts and a broad range of tasks to track, it helps to have everything neatly organized in one platform. Infrastructure project management software also boasts the following benefits.

Cost Savings

Proper cost management on a large infrastructure project can help ensure the project is profitable. When a project goes over budget, its financial health can negatively impact its quality, timeline, and the reputation of the project team.

Infrastructure management software can help alleviate costs by:

  • Catching operational issues early, which enables timely solutions
  • Avoiding project delays by ensuring deliverables are on track according to predetermined timelines
  • Keeping a close eye on budget utilization at each stage for careful planning
  • Tracking resources in real time, such as labor hours and job assignments, to allow for proper resource allocation
  • Being cloud-based rather than on-premise, as on-premise software requires expensive hardware that typically needs to be replaced every few years

Improved Collaboration & Communication

Keeping everyone on the same page is crucial for any project – especially infrastructure projects that involve members from multiple organizations. Having cloud-based software makes it easier to stay connected throughout the project’s lifetime with features like:

  • Built-in communication and collaboration tools that allow teams to quickly and easily share information while also increasing productivity
  • Real-time project updates that can be seen by anyone to track progress, regardless of where they’re working. This helps eliminate unnecessary phone calls between teams for status updates and keeps clients informed of key milestones.
  • Software integration with Lucidchart, Power BI, and other tools to create a unified workflow for all project team members – no matter their area of involvement

Easier Documentation Access

The best project management software is cloud-based for many reasons, including document access. Cloud-based platforms allow easy access to key project documents from anywhere at any time, as opposed to on-premise management software that’s only available through a local network.

Important documents that can be readily accessed include:

Having these documents available in the cloud also reduces the time it takes to locate specific files since you can use keywords and filter functionalities to narrow your search.

Simplified Compliance Management

It’s essential to ensure compliance for industrial and construction projects. Not following regulatory requirements could have many negative outcomes, including:

  • Compromised team member safety
  • Project delays
  • Fines or lawsuits
  • Increased insurance premiums

Compliance is easier to stay on top of when all client contracts, equipment certifications, and other legal and industry-specific resources can be accessed in one place. Additionally, having detailed compliance records will ensure you’re well-prepared for future audits. And, with real-time reporting, you can monitor compliance status and act quickly when you identify any deviations.

Infrastructure Project Management Software: Features to Consider

Not all infrastructure project management systems are built the same. It’s important to find a construction software solution that will support the needs of your business so you can work more efficiently rather than adding to your workload. Here are some essential features to look for when considering a new software vendor:

  • Ease of use: Project management software should have an intuitive interface so your projects can be up and running quickly with as little interruption as possible during the transition. If the software has a large learning curve, consider the time you’ll need to set aside for training.
  • Real-time data: If data doesn’t update in the system immediately, decision making could be delayed. This can cause confusion or mistakes among teams. A software with real-time insights will equip you with the knowledge of what’s happening at any given moment so you can take action right away.
  • Integration: Be sure to check the integration capabilities of the infrastructure project management software you choose. It should have an open API to ensure your existing systems and workflows can easily integrate with it, making the software fully tailored to your firm.
  • Customization: The software should be highly customizable so you can avoid having too many unused features that will only take up room on your screen. Look for a system that enables you to create a customized dashboard for specific project types.
  • Automation: Seek out software with the ability to automate certain processes, like task tracking and reporting. Automation can help reduce errors associated with manual processes while also improving efficiency, as it requires less time and back-and-forth communication.
  • Mobile app: As a project manager, you need software that’s easy to work with while you’re in the field. See if the construction project management software you’re considering has a mobile app so you can remain efficient while on the go. Some mobile apps even allow offline capabilities so field teams can stay productive regardless of connectivity.

Tackle Your Infrastructure Project With Software That Works for You

Infrastructure project management software is an important element of success for many industrial and construction teams. The right software can save your business time and money while simultaneously improving your processes.

TrackerCheck is an infrastructure project management software created on the foundation of practical project experience. It features real-time reporting, offline mobile accessibility, performance KPI tracking, and more.

Request a TrackerCheck demo today!


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