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When it comes to the startup and commissioning of large infrastructure projects, managing all of the required compliance documentation can feel like a full-time job. Documents that must be managed for these projects can include:

  • Construction contracts
  • Building permits and approvals
  • Various types of blueprints
  • Daily reports
  • Time and material invoices
  • Insurance certificates
  • And more

Keeping up with all of this paperwork takes significant time, which can reduce a project’s productivity. Compliance documentation software, also called a construction document management system or certification management software, can streamline the process so you can spend time on more complex tasks that require attention while maintaining regulatory compliance.

How a Document Management Solution Can Improve Productivity

Using a document management system can save you a lot of time and headaches during large commissioning projects in heavily regulated industries. Productivity is imperative during these projects to ensure they’re completed on time and within budget. It can also impact the profitability of a business. The more work you can accomplish, the more projects you can take on.

When you’re able to worry less about dotting your i’s and crossing your t’s with different compliance tasks, you can focus your efforts on core tasks. Here are a few ways that common features of a document control solution can help improve operational efficiency.

Increased Organization

Compliance document software provides a centralized platform to store all compliance documents. This is especially helpful for keeping track of the hundreds of documents required for large projects.

With an organized all-in-one system, you can easily ensure that all certificates are kept up to date with industry regulations, and you won’t risk losing important files.

Having a single location for document access also makes it easier to retrieve documents when needed. This can increase productivity by saving time since you won’t have to look through hundreds of paper documents, remember whose device digital forms are saved on, or attempt to create a tedious paper filing system.

Easier Version Control

Using a cloud-based certification management software ensures all team members are working on the most up-to-date version of each document. Files are automatically saved with any revisions, and version numbers can be made easily identifiable if new files are saved separately. This streamlines collaboration and reduces confusion or time spent comparing versions.

For example, construction workers referencing a blueprint for a building’s roof need to ensure they’re looking at the finalized version in case any changes were made to the plans. If an outdated version is accidentally used when completing the roof, it might not fully comply with building codes. This non-compliance will likely cost a lot of time – and money – to remedy.

Automated Compliance Tracking

Your document management efforts can be simplified with the automation provided by a document control system. When you stay on top of compliance requirements by automating previously manual processes, your time is freed up to work on other important matters.

This software can automate:

  • Document collection and organization
  • Team member workflow processes
  • Project progress tracking and reports
  • Data collection and validation
  • Equipment certification and compliance status

Compliance standards can falter in all kinds of areas. For example, if no one noticed that your crane operator’s certification expired, a project can be halted for days while they take the recertification test. Or perhaps someone’s personal property is damaged during a project and you’re having trouble locating the liability insurance information.

Thanks to the automated notifications and centralized document library provided by compliance documentation software, you’ll be equipped to act in a timely manner in these situations and more.

Improved Communication

With ineffective communication being the reason for 33% of construction project failures, the importance of good communication in these projects cannot be overstated. Another benefit of using document control software is that it ensures all project stakeholders are looking at the same data when discussing critical information like timelines and next steps.

Even if different teams use different systems to keep track of data and tasks, like PowerBI and, the advanced features of this software allow it to integrate seamlessly with those systems for easy access and alignment of all users. With everyone on the same page, teams can more easily manage and carry out compliance processes.

Simplify Audits

Infrastructure projects undergo multiple audit types, including annual financial audits and weekly safety inspections. Making sure you’re well prepared for a compliance audit is an essential part of a project’s success.

If you’re found without proper documentation or not following certain regulations, your company may face legal fines, project delays, and other negative consequences.

Compliance documentation software tracks compliance history and equipment certification through historical benchmarking using initial commissioning data. With historical comparisons, you’ll have a complete audit trail of past and current records for compliance purposes, plus a solid foundation – and less prep work – for future audits. Having audit trails also enables better collaboration with external auditors.

Quicker Decision Making

Decisions must be made constantly throughout large infrastructure projects. Many decisions need to be made quickly to avoid wasting time, but all options must also be thoughtfully considered to avoid negative outcomes. And without data to base a decision on, decision making is just guesswork.

Real-time progress reports provided by a document management system can help speed up the time it takes to make an informed decision. All stakeholders can see if a project is behind, progressing as expected, or ahead of schedule.

More granular details, like comments on punch lists, can also be reviewed in this software. This means you won’t need to call different stakeholders to understand where project milestones stand.

More Flexibility

With a vast number of responsibilities for team members to handle, from enforcing internal policies and procedures to understanding any changing regulations, flexibility is necessary for these projects. Situations can arise at any time that need to be addressed immediately, which could involve next steps like assigning new tasks or signing an updated contract.

Some versions of document management software come in app form, which means it can be accessed on mobile devices. You can file, retrieve, and review documents and reports in both the office and the field, meaning you don’t need to wait to complete the work. This flexibility enables more control over project progress, allowing the project to continue without delay.

Streamline Your Commissioning Process With Compliance Documentation Software

It’s easy for compliance document management practices to become disorganized or fall by the wayside due to the amount of documentation needed for large infrastructure projects. Compliance documentation software can automate and streamline document management, compliance activities, and more.

TrackerCheck is an innovative document management and commissioning software that equips teams to accurately track, manage, and report on compliance, ensuring your project remains compliant every step of the way.

Find out why companies are using this software to improve their productivity with minimal training. Request a TrackerCheck demo today!


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